Are you still on the fence about buying our Aria's Victorian Dollhouse? Are you searching for the top three reasons why you should buy a dollhouse? Well, here are 3 reasons why you should!
1. Help your child develop his social skills
It does not matter whether your child is playing on his own or with a friend. Even if your child is playing with the doll house on his own, he is going to be able to come up with his own conversations with the characters in the doll house. Imagine how cute it would be to watch your child role-playing and re-enacting daily activities!
If it is a doll house big enough where two or more children can sit and play alongside each other, then your children get to learn cooperative play. They are going to having endless conversations with each other. They are also going to learn turn-taking as they move around the doll house. Isn't wonderful if they can strengthen their social emotional skills through play?

2. Allow your child to act out real situations
A doll house typically comes with different rooms that you can illustrate as the different parts of your house - you can designate rooms as the kitchen, the living room, the bedroom, the toilet. Use the doll house to talk to your three year old about the function and purpose of each part of the house (e.g. stay in the playroom when daddy is cooking, the stove is hot!). You can also use the doll house to teach routine (e.g. what do you do every morning after waking up?)
Use the doll house to help your child to understand the big world he is living in. Let your child express his feelings and thoughts about home!
3. Give your child the opportunity to develop fine-motor skills
Furnish your dollhouse with miniature furniture to complete the fun - opt for some child-friendly wood toys as the dollhouse furniture. Placing furniture in the appropriate rooms and placing the furniture in its ideal position will train your little ones' delicate fingers and strengthen their motor skills.

Now that we have convinced you on why you should buy a dollhouse (you can thank us later!), may we humbly suggest our beautiful Aria's Victorian Doll house? The rooms on the first and second level are separated by an arch, which allows your miniature friends to move between the rooms. The house also comes with a spiral staircase for an additional level of fun. Shop Aria's doll house online and enjoy free delivery for Singapore orders above $150!